Come Experience True Peace, Love, and Joy
At, we gather as Children of God the Father, YHWH, to embody true inner peace, love, and joy while striving to overcome all sin, fear, doubt, and suffering in the world.
Using the practices unveiled to Michael, and given to him directly by God, anyone with the ability to watch and listen can follow his guidance and ultimately come to experience the same transformations claimed herein!
Truly, truly. There are innumerable benefits and plenty of testimonials to come!
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and love thy neighbor as thyself." - Jesus Christ, Luke 10:27
Checkout this poster after you have experienced the Primal Meditation! Now on Youtube!
Experience A Community Beyond Labels
We welcome everyone—whether you identify as Christian, non-denominational, Buddhist, Taoist, Spiritual, or anything else. Such labels are not what we are about, because we are focused on fostering a true, conscious, and empowering relationship with God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, within; because Yeshua said, "This is life eternal, that they might know thee, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent."
Our community participants are here to realize true Enlightenment: The Kingdom at Hand!
We Will Manifest the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
We aim to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth by truly living the teachings of Yeshua the Christ. Specifically, this means realizing the Kingdom of Heaven within oneself and then manifesting this realization in practical affairs of daily life, ultimately embodying a perfected version of you that can manifest miracles in accord with the faith of another. Truly, truly. By submitting, sanctifying, and praying to God the Father like Yeshua taught, we can transform our daily lives into testimonies of peace, love, and joy; eventually even performing great miracles so that all may marvel and know that we are the children of the perfect one: God
Led by Michael Smith i.e. @CoachGnosis
In Nov 2022, Michael was anointed by God the Father with the knowledge of himself and has been able to see the Father's presence and eternal being ever since. Then in July of 2023, Michael witnessed the spirit of Jesus Christ within three men simultaneously and has been able to discern both God the Father and Jesus Christ ever since.
Michael teaches that anyone who follows Yeshua's true teachings, exemplifying not just what he said, but also what he did, can come to experience the same truth of Gnosis: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which results in the ability to consciously discern the spirits of God the Father and Jesus Christ in daily life (which has innumerable other benefits).
Whether streaming live on the Sabbath, or in the Self-Gnosis Academy within, Michael shares his practices freely, helping others find the Kingdom of Heaven within.
Come! Join The Journey Within Our Non-Profit Community!
RealizeUS Inc. is a non-profit dedicated to manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and sharing the true teachings of Yeshua the Christ, actualized and simplified by Michael Smith.
We are a God-centered, Christ-empowered community, welcoming all who seek spiritual growth and who truly seek to know, feel, and see the One True God of Israel, YHWH!
Founded by Michael: "May the Truth set you FREE!"